World Storytelling Day, International Day of Happiness, and The Island of Seven Kingdoms

World Storytelling Day, International Day of Happiness, and The Island of Seven Kingdoms

There once was an island made up of seven kingdoms, evenly divided by high rock walls that emanated from the center of the island and ran all the way to the sea (kinda like a giant Trivial Pursuit piece). Unfortunately, there was no source of fresh drinking water on the island. Each kingdom hated and feared the next.

Am Writing

Am Writing

Despite all that, my most visceral memory from that year will always be sitting in a car on a cold, rainy, fall afternoon with the mother of one of the shooting victims. We formed a friendship during that season and had gone out to a local school to talk about resilience. When we got back in the car to leave, she checked her voicemail, had gotten a call from her son who was refusing to go to school. Again

Live. Work. Space.

Live. Work. Space.

Two nights before we wrapped Treasure Maps, I was sitting on my front porch on a sweltering summer evening, looking at my overgrown yard, thinking about what it would be like when life wasn’t quite so busy again. Given that it had been such a large and ideal...