by Shannon Turner | May 3, 2020 | Blog
On Saturday, April 11, I came home from a long walk in my neighborhood. (I didn’t used to walk my own neighborhood very much, but I do so often now in the days of the COVID shutdown.) Sitting down to rest, I opened up Facebook. There was a message on the East...
by Shannon Turner | Apr 16, 2020 | Blog
It’s been unseasonably cool this week here in Atlanta. Or maybe I shouldn’t say unseasonably cool. Maybe it’s appropriately cool, and climate change has just altered our expectations. We’ve been waking to brilliant, bright, blustery days in the...
by Shannon Turner | Apr 13, 2020 | Blog
If you’ve been following for a while, you may have already ascertained that 2016 was a year of giant upheaval for me personally. That was even before the election changed the sociopolitical landscape for our country, or at least revealed and made manifest things...
by Shannon Turner | Apr 9, 2020 | Blog
I was flying down the backcountry roads in Southwest Virginia with my friend, Anne, on one of those brilliant, warm days in late August where there’s just the slightest hint of autumn whispering on the air. Before school shootings were monthly, sometimes weekly,...
by Shannon Turner | Apr 6, 2020 | authenticity, Blog, COVID-19, manifesting stories, pandemic, walks with grief
I’ve missed you. I have been struggling mightily with what to say to you during these strange times. In the first weeks, the (sur)reality of pandemic descended upon us. Our inboxes filled up with “how we’re dealing with COVID messages” from...