The problem with the word abracadabra today is that people think it just means magic, which is something we tend not to believe in these days. I’m rather of the belief that speaking our truths into the world, and truly hearing the stories of others, rather takes some work, and then the magic happens…

Being helpful and prepared was like a silent mantra. She yearned for the day when someone would need…something…and she would pull the (exact) (right) object triumphantly from her car’s trunk as if it were Mary Poppins’ purse. Yes, let us enjoy our spontaneous picnic with the blanket I have right here!

No Such Thing As Margins
As I’ve come to learn some of the important components in the Disability Rights movement, Marilyn’s life has replayed for me, one chapter at a time. It’s all there: employment, independent living, transportation, even and especially her right to be in a loving relationship. If she’d been coming up in this generation, what a different life my Aunt Marilyn might have had! With that in mind, I bring you today’s recommendations for some of the finest podcasting I listen to on the regular.

My Own Personal Audio Storytelling Week
I’ve come to understand people are turning to me somewhat as a curator of “what to listen to.” In fact, one of my gym buddies (back in the day when going to the gym was a thing) turned to me and pointedly and said, “I think you should publish a regular Shannon Recommends listening list because I always have this instinct to call you when I want to find a new podcast.”