The Greatest Love of All
Find your strength in love. When I was a kid, there was this one Christmas when I really needed a win. It was the first Christmas of...
Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon: A tribute to Mary Oliver
The first time I heard a Mary Oliver poem, I cried. I was about to start grad school and was involved in a women's group in Blacksburg...
Trust & Improvisation
I've often said that the universe sends us themes. Whether it's conversations or online articles or snippets on NPR, there are things that...
There are certain things in this life we consider to be markers of identity. The parts, whether self-selected or put upon us by others,...
StoryMuse 2018 Annual Report
It is with great pleasure that I bring you the 2018 StoryMuse Annual Report. What joy to collate and produce the visual story version of...
Strong at the Broken Places
I was a clumsy child. Even broke my arm once standing on a rope that was lying on the ground. We moved a lot. I host a fair amount of...