My First and Most Loyal Audience
Friends, I'm writing to you here to let you know that I am about to move my whole operation to a brand new site, which is hosted on...
Why I Think You’ll Like Episodes 1 & 2 of Hidden Voices
I know. I know. Iknowiknowiknow. I've been talking a lot about this amazing podcast I've helped to make. #sorrynotsorry I don't know what...
Hidden Voices Premieres Today!
My work over the past three years has been so rewarding, challenging, inspiring. It’s helped me to level up in my understanding of...
Callie’s Path
This month's issue of the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities "Making a Difference" magazine happens to feature two stories from...
Something Jumped Up and Bit Me
It was just about this time last year my mom and I went on vacation in North Georgia. Because she drove down from Tennessee and I drove up...
Still Life with Mason Jars
I'm pleased to share that I had a story recently published in an online journal called gutwrench. This is by far one of the most...