You get a workshop!
You may remember that in December/January I conducted an Indiegogo campaign to give away a workshop. Thanks to your giving, we can do that now! But I need your help deciding…WHO?!
The workshop can be up to 3 hours and for up to 25 people ~ youth or adults.
I’m interested to work with…
*faith groups
*schools (public, charter, or homeschool groups)
*community organizations & initiatives
*professional associations
*artist collectives
We can work together to use storytelling for personal or professional development, to connect around a collective mission, to help you get ready for interviews & leadership opportunities, to do visioning and intention setting.
SOOOO…Please nominate a group (ask them if they really have time and are interested in the work) through the contact form on my website. I’ll be collecting nominations through Thursday, will select the top 3-5, and then will put them back out to StoryMuse fans for voting.
Happy Tuesday!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPPscelHVhA&w=560&h=315]