In August 2015, I was asked to do a presentation at Pecha Kucha Atlanta. Pecha Kucha is an international organization, started in Japan by architects but now in more than 800 cities around the world. It brings people together for fun and informative nights based on a key presentation format: 20 slides, 20 seconds per slide…6 minutes, 40 seconds total.
The folks at PKAtlanta asked me to present on my advice and stories about online dating in Atlanta because, let’s face it, I’ve got some.
To prepare, my new friend, Kevin Ward, volunteered to go out with me on photo shoots to re-enact some of my worst dates, and I think you’ll agree, the pictures are absolutely wonderful.
The talk went well ~ folks seemed to really respond to it ~ and in fact, it’s the featured talk right now on the international site.
This is great timing for me as I’m getting ready to launch a two-episode arc of North Avenue Lounge about online dating in Atlanta with me as the guinea pig, so I’ll be back with more posts on this topic soon.
So, without further ado, here’s my talk:
that was great.. Thanks so much for sharing….
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