Yesterday, I shared with a friend & colleague that I’m going to stop agreeing to shove a 3-hour workshop into one hour for organizations & boards. She fell out laughing in total agreement. “I bet they’re really half-day workshops, aren’t they? That’s what mine would be.”
Why do we do this?
As if to back up and also challenge my commitment, I got a call this morning asking if I could combine the material of two full workshops into one 90-minute session. The person said, “This was really the only time I could talk today. I’m going to be in back-to-back meetings all day.”
The culture we live in that makes us tell our stories this way–asks us to pack it all in, do it all, make it all happen–is expensive to our bodies and our souls.
What are we missing by trying to live in this manner?
I hope you’re able to slow down this week so that you can see yourself as the true author your life’s story.
Are you telling the story, or is it telling you?