Black Friday Deals!
Small Business Saturday!!
Cyber Monday!!!
Giving Tuesday!!!!
You’re tired, weary from all the exclamation points and places to spend your $$$. What you really want is a way to turn to someone else and connect. Period. Full stop. I get that.
Here’s a catalog of ways you can use StoryMuse to involve storytelling and experiences to deepen connection with others, rather than buying yet another Target gift card.
Family Storytelling Night–I can send you my free, online storytelling curriculum in advance and then host a life maps workshop with you that segues into a story sharing / story swap. This can happen in a few ways. I can coach you through how to do this on your own or I can host it for you though likely not in person and definitely not on any major holidays as I’ll be spending them with my family as well. But feel free to reach out to talk about what your needs and ideas. Book a call here.
Individual Coaching–From now through the end of the year, you can purchase a three-session package for that special someone that’ll be good through 2024. Let’s talk.
Give Away a Workshop–If you work with a team, business, or nonprofit organization that could use storytelling for leadership, mission, or team-building, you can book me in 2024.
Keep the Teapot Brewing–In 2024, I’m going to be bringing my first full-length show to life. This project is centered around four principles: purpose, passion, power, and possibility. If those are words. that resonate with you, then please feel free to reach out, or if you missed the opportunity to be an early funder, you can still donate to keep that tea warm and steeping while the ideas brew. Contact me!