Look To Your Left, Look To Your Right

I recently completed a project series that had to do with helping university faculty tell their personal stories. We were endeavoring to inspire them to be better mentors to students both in classroom and in office/coaching situations so that they will be approachable...

Look To Your Left, Look To Your Right

I recently completed a project series that had to do with helping university faculty tell their personal stories. We were endeavoring to inspire them to be better mentors to students both in classroom and in office/coaching situations so that they will be approachable...

On saying no to doing more.

Yesterday, I shared with a friend & colleague that I’m going to stop agreeing to shove a 3-hour workshop into one hour for organizations & boards. She fell out laughing in total agreement. “I bet they’re really half-day workshops,...

On saying no to doing more.

Yesterday, I shared with a friend & colleague that I’m going to stop agreeing to shove a 3-hour workshop into one hour for organizations & boards. She fell out laughing in total agreement. “I bet they’re really half-day workshops,...
Time To Cast Your Votes!

Time To Cast Your Votes!

It’s my pleasure to present to you the top 3 candidate organizations/initiatives to receive a free storytelling workshop thanks to the Indiegogo campaign we did back in December/January. It was tough to narrow down the options, but these three really rose to the...
The Average Human…

The Average Human…

…doesn’t exist. In this week’s episode of Akimbo, Seth Godin’s podcast, he eloquently debunks the myth of the average person. I love that this episode is titled, “I See You.” Point by point, Mr. Godin goes through several scenarios...