>Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 20:03:09 -0400
>From: Virginia.Tech.news@vt.edu
>Subject: A letter to students from the students of Hokies United
>To: Multiple recipients <LISTSERV@LISTSERV.VT.EDU>
>Sunday, April 22, 2007
>Fellow Students,
>As classes resume tomorrow, we are all reminded of the horrible
>tragedy that changed our campus forever. If there is one thing that
>we have realized in the past week, it is the enduring strength of
>our Hokie community. While we will never forget April 16, 2007, we
>can only begin to heal with the support of one another.
>To remember those lost and to honor everyone that has been affected,
>there will be a university-wide moment of silence on the Drillfield
>at 9:45 a.m. on Monday, April 23, 2007. The first ringing of the
>bell will signify the beginning of the moment of silence.
>Afterwards, there will be 32 additional tolls of the bell,
>accompanied by the release of a white balloon for each victim.
>Following the last toll, maroon and orange balloons will be released
>to signify Hokie unity. Please remain silent for the duration of
>this ceremony.
>On your behalf, we have requested that all media leave campus, but
>we cannot force them to do so. Media are never allowed in your
>classrooms without faculty permission. If you do not want to speak
>with the media, kindly decline their requests. The media will be as
>present as we allow them to be. Please be respectful of your fellow
>Hokies as you make these decisions.
>There is a long healing process ahead of us, but only together can
>we begin to move forward. As a community, we have the strength to
>If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Hokies United.
>More information is available at www.hokiesunited.org.vt.edu.
>The Student Leadership of Hokies United