

Mariela brought us pears to eatin the park. The thought occurred to meto tell her aboutmy grandmother,but the moment passed. Memaw loved pears.I brought them to her as gifts.Sometimes,I remember herknotted fingerscurled aroundthe bulbous bottomsas she cut one up,no...

memento mori

memento moriremember that you shall dieas if I ever forgetas if my mind doesn’t wander offacross gray fieldsto stand next to myundecorated gravein effort to understand whyas if I don’t hypothesize aboutthe brave and noble deedI’ll do or the...

The Eye of the Needle

Where you gonna go,little ol’ miss white-hairedBlack woman?That cane and thosetired, short li’l legs ain’tgonna carry you acrossthe Asheville expressway. Nawth C’olina didn’tbuild you no overpasson which to walk.I see you lookin’...